Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not Stale! but Fail..

        I think that Nijinsky's choreography of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, was so bad that it should have caused riots! Nijinsky was a forward thinking choreographer, and only a year before had made a daring leap in the accepted types of modern dance with his Afternoon of the Faun. The Afternoon of the Faun was very critically received and was soon put out of circulation. However it seems that Nijinsky's hope for pushing the boundary's of dance was not dimmed.
         He found many ways to push the boundary's of classic ballet or dance. He incorporated the crazy wheeling, jarring, motions with a fairly large number of dancers usually centered around something. Through the undercurrents of darkness in the music and the almost possessed movements of the dancers, one can just picture a savage group of natives preparing for some terrible sacrifice in the preparation for spring.. Some renditions even include "sacrificial dance" in their public titles. Understandably, for the people of the time period who were perhaps going to the theater for an evening of enjoyment, this was an aberration. I happen to agree with them.

      In Nijinsky's defense his frenzied leaps, pawing, stamping, and jarring motions do seem to adapt well to the raw rhythmic complexity of Stravinsky's score. However at the public's shock of viewing this, even causing riots to break out, Stravinsky abandoned the sinking ship and confessed to being disturbed by Nijinsky's strange choreography
      In summation I think that the ballet of Rite of Spring was a failure at modern dance. I realize that it did have some very new and nonconforming style but I seriously think that there comes a time when even the "shock value" of something, is taken too far and hence becomes worthless and offensive.

1 comment:

  1. Can you imagine the frustration you would feel if you went to a musical, paid your hard earned dollars/pesos/yen/euros/skekels/green stamps etc or whatever and were subsequently exposed to this sadistic form of musical torture? I agree with TDHumanities 125 Running92 that these musicals were awful. Its one thing if he was creating them for his own enjoyment, but to actually make people pay to see it?! That is just wrong.On the other hand, his work did serve to show people that you don't have to just copy and repeat what other people are doing, but you can come up with your own brand or art/music/literature etc... But if the first play starts riots in the street, don't beat the dead horse and make a second one
